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Kindly read the festival etiquette below.
Dear Friends of Solasi,
Solasi Festival is guaranteed to be a safe and welcoming space for all members of our community to come and enjoy. We therefore ask you to respect the festival guidelines and values whilst you are here.
Thank you all for your understanding xx
1. While sessions are on-going, please make sure not to disturb them through excessively loud noise or speech.
2. Please do not play music via your phones or speakers.
3. If you are late to a session, make sure to ask the instructor if you can join after it has begun.
4. Please be punctual to your 1:1 session appointment as any delay will be deducted from your treatment time.
5. Avoid engaging in offensive behavior or language.
6. Drug consumption of any kind is prohibited.
7. Alcohol consumption is permitted but please drink responsibly.
8. Harassment: We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any kind of sexual harassment, be it verbal, physical, or otherwise.
Come to Solasi with a positive mindset and allow yourself and all the other attendees to have the best experience possible.
The rules written above are meant to ensure that is the case.
We would never want to ask anyone to leave Solasi.
With love & respect,
Team Solasi xx

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